
Reflections on Captive Fish Prompted by New Quebec Aquarium Proposal

Opinion commentary by Rob Laidlaw (May 31, 2023) (scroll to bottom to see text of December 11, 2022 Facebook post about proposed aquarium) As a young child I developed a fascination with wildlife of all kinds. At some point that I can’t remember I became particularly interested in fish and […]

Winnipeg’s New Proposed Rules for Exotic Pets in Jeopardy

Exotic animal owners campaigning against better protection for animals The City of Winnipeg is conducting a review of their Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) Bylaw and has proposed a number of ideas for improving and modernizing it. If adopted, those ideas would make Winnipeg a national leader in the protection of […]

Open your eyes to the astonishing world of fish with scientist Jonathan Balcombe

Think Fish Are Boring? Well Think Again! WHAT A FISH KNOWS, THE INNER LIVES OF OUR UNDERWATER COUSINS an illustrated presentation, Q & A and book signing with Dr. Jonathan Balcombe Wednesday September 28, 2016 7 – 9 pm Palmerston Library Theatre 560 Palmerston Avenue Toronto, Ontario Click Here for […]