Other Wildlife Work (Canadian and International)

Throughout the years Zoocheck has made an effort to support external campaigns and projects, both domestically and internationally, that reduce or eliminate animal cruelty and suffering, stop or mitigate unnecessary harassment and killing of free-roaming wildlife, that reduce suffering and improve the welfare of animals held in captivity and that build capacity in the animal protection sector.

Additionally, Zoocheck has also on occasion conducted its own campaigns and projects internationally where we believe we have an opportunity to make substantive progress on behalf of wild animals.

Select list of campaigns, projects and initiatives that Zoocheck has funded, conducted or supported throughout the years.

  • Funded construction of beaver/otter enclosure at the Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Ontario.
  • Assisted with the rescue of a beaver family in London, Ontario and promoted humane options (e.g., beaver deceivers) for managing flooding caused by beavers in several municipalities, including changing London’s old policy of simply killing the animals. Funded installation of beaver deceivers in several locations.
  • Funded construction of large, flight aviary to assist in raptor rehabilitation at the Sandy Pines Wildlife Center in Ontario.
  • Provided financial support to the Willows Animal Sanctuary in the United Kingdom.
  • Provided funding for snake and turtle crossing signs on “reptile hazardous” road near Lion’s Head, Ontario.
  • Partnered with US-based Elephants in Japan NGO to conduct first ever investigative review of solitary elephants in Japanese zoos, publication of seminal report on the issue and subsequent lobbying initiatives in Japan.
  • Conducted multi-year campaign to relocate Yupi, a lone polar bear held at the Morelia Zoo in Mexico, and raised issue of captive polar bears and other wildlife in zoos throughout Latin America.
  • Raised funds to support and outfit with gear, fuel and other necessities, anti-poaching patrols in Kenya to protect elephants and other wildlife.
  • Provided funding in support of aerial anti-poaching patrols to protect elephants, rhinos and other wildlife in Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia.
  • Assisted with documenting the hunting of grey whales in the State of Washington and opposed grey whale hunting proposals on Canada’s west coast.
  • Funded travel costs for expert consultants and leading scientists to conduct training workshops and attend key international meetings relevant to the welfare of wildlife in captivity.
  • Funded the first ever NGO review of zoos in India and subsequent publication of report.
  • Funded publication of several peer-reviewed scientific journal articles regarding wild horses, exotic animals, etc.
  • Organized Canada’s first ever animal law conference with keynote speaker Dr. Gary Francione.
  • Provided technical, material, financial and strategic support to dozens of local, regional, national and international campaigns and initiatives regarding wildlife in captivity and other animal welfare issues.
  • Conducted numerous advocacy training sessions and programs for individuals, organizations and others in Canada and in other countries around the world.