WILD AMONG US: exotic pet webinar series – Public registration now open

**For professionals and anyone else interested in the protection of exotic animals**

Zoocheck and World Animal Protection invite you to attend our free webinar series on exotic animal issues pertaining to the trade, regulation, seizure and sheltering of exotic animals kept as pets and the associated animal welfare, public health and safety and environmental risks.

These webinar sessions, led by experts in the field with live Q&As, will address the exotic pet trade and emerging issues and is a must for animal welfare professionals, wildlife conservationists, policy advisors, municipal staff dealing in bylaws, public health professionals and academics

**October 7th, 2020 at 12pm–3pm EST** An introduction to Exotic Pets: What You Need to Know

**October 14th, 2020 at 12pm–3:30pm EST** Inspection and Assessment of Exotic Pets: Residential, Commercial and Institutional

**October 21st, 2020 at 12pm – 3:30pm EST** Developing Frameworks to Control and Protect Exotic Pets

**October 28th, 2020 at 12pm – 3:30pm EST** On the Ground, In the Field: Solving Exotic Pet Problems in the Real World