exotic animal bylaw

Why is City of London considering settlement with Reptilia?

Another court postponement to May 24th as City and Reptilia not yet agreed on terms of “offer to settle” in City-initiated legal action After waiting more than 9 months for the March 18, 2024 trial date in the City of London vs. Reptilia case, the court appearance lasted less than […]

Second kangaroo escape sympton of Ontario’s inaction on exotic animals

Escapes, human injuries and deaths, animal suffering and perpetual problems for municipalities the result of lack of exotic animal regulation in Ontario While some reporting of the escaped kangaroos treat the incidents very lightly, they are actually a sign of a very problematic, broken system in Ontario. Unlike most other […]

Whitby says NO to prohibited exotic animals at Nova’s Ark

Congratulations & Thank You to Whitby Town Council and Staff for Protecting Children and Animals On Monday January 8th, the Town of Whitby’s Committee of the Whole said NO to prohibited wild and exotic animals staying at the Nova’s Ark children’s camp. The facility houses 350 animals representing a wide […]

London votes against bylaw amendments for Reptilia

We’re pleased to report that on February 14 2023 London City Council voted 9 – 6 against moving forward with a Reptilia exemption to London’s animal control bylaw and the creation of a business licensing category for exotic animal establishments. This is a very positive development for reptiles and other […]

Say no to large or venomous reptiles in downtown Toronto

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TO PROTECT ANIMALS AND PEOPLE PLEASE ACT TODAY! THERE IS LESS THAN ONE WEEK TO GO! A private zoo business called Reptilia applied for an exemption to the prohibited animal provisions in the City of Toronto’s “Animal Control Bylaw”. The exemption would allow them to keep […]

Winnipeg’s New Proposed Rules for Exotic Pets in Jeopardy

Exotic animal owners campaigning against better protection for animals The City of Winnipeg is conducting a review of their Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) Bylaw and has proposed a number of ideas for improving and modernizing it. If adopted, those ideas would make Winnipeg a national leader in the protection of […]

WILD AMONG US: exotic pet webinar series – Public registration now open

**For professionals and anyone else interested in the protection of exotic animals** Zoocheck and World Animal Protection invite you to attend our free webinar series on exotic animal issues pertaining to the trade, regulation, seizure and sheltering of exotic animals kept as pets and the associated animal welfare, public health […]

New Legal Action to Relieve Lucy’s Distress

For Immediate Release September 6, 2016 Zoocheck and Voice for Animals Launch New Legal Action to Relieve Lucy’s Distress In the ongoing battle to have zoo standards enforced in Alberta to protect Lucy, the lone elephant at the Edmonton Valley Zoo, Zoocheck and Voice for Animals has filed an Originating […]

Open your eyes to the astonishing world of fish with scientist Jonathan Balcombe

Think Fish Are Boring? Well Think Again! WHAT A FISH KNOWS, THE INNER LIVES OF OUR UNDERWATER COUSINS an illustrated presentation, Q & A and book signing with Dr. Jonathan Balcombe Wednesday September 28, 2016 7 – 9 pm Palmerston Library Theatre 560 Palmerston Avenue Toronto, Ontario Click Here for […]