animal encounter

Zoocheck promotes Ontario wildlife in captivity resolution

Zoocheck has recently partnered with World Animal Protection Canada to promote a new municipal resolution, supported by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), urging Ontario to finally regulate exotic wildlife in captivity. Both groups were at the 2024 AMO conference in Ottawa this month. It’s long been known that […]

The last stand for Marineland

With a sale looming, the Review’s John Law makes what is likely a final trip to the park synonymous with Niagara Falls for more than 60 years. By John Law, Reporter (July 19, 2024) Link to Niagara Falls Review article The first thing you notice is the eerie silence. The […]

Why is City of London considering settlement with Reptilia?

Another court postponement to May 24th as City and Reptilia not yet agreed on terms of “offer to settle” in City-initiated legal action After waiting more than 9 months for the March 18, 2024 trial date in the City of London vs. Reptilia case, the court appearance lasted less than […]

Second kangaroo escape sympton of Ontario’s inaction on exotic animals

Escapes, human injuries and deaths, animal suffering and perpetual problems for municipalities the result of lack of exotic animal regulation in Ontario While some reporting of the escaped kangaroos treat the incidents very lightly, they are actually a sign of a very problematic, broken system in Ontario. Unlike most other […]


Guest commentary by Kira Pedersen  (July 2023) I recently visited a mobile zoo exhibit where, among other animals, I met a sloth for the first time and it wasn’t fun. While it was a miserable experience for me, it was undoubtedly worse for the sloth. The traveling animal show was […]

Why does Ontario want more penned hunting compounds?

COMMENTS NEEDED BY MAY 18, 2023 The Ontario government’s proposed expansion of hunting dog training and trialing compounds (penned hunting) is another nonsensical and disturbing wildlife use development that should not be supported by anyone, including hunters who consider themselves ethical. The expansion of dog training and trialing compounds is […]

New scientific paper on MLAPs (Mobile Live Animal Programs)

Click here to read Mobile Zoos and Other Itinerant Animal Handling Events: Current Status and Recommendations for Future Policies (2023) MLAPs in many parts of Canada, and particularly Ontario are either loosely regulated or not regulated at all. There are hundreds of businesses, ranging from small, one person, part-time operations […]