
Letters Needed to Stop Misguided, Wasteful, Unnecessary Wild Horse Removals

Pending Alberta wild horse “cull” not supported by evidence Alberta government officials have now made it clear they intend to once again cull wild horse numbers by capturing animals and “adopting them out”. The removal of wild horses would occur over the next several months, but decisions are now being […]

Despite claims, wild horse numbers stable for 5 years

Despite claims Alberta wild horse numbers rapidly increasing, government forced to acknowledge they’ve been stable for past 5 years Alberta’s entire wild horse population is just over 1,400 individuals, a remarkably small number of animals dispersed, some in isolated populations, over a number of Equine Management Zones (EMZs). The Sundre […]

Must read new book about Chilcotin wild horses

The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future Written by renowned wildlife biologist Wayne McCrory. Now available for pre-order at most booksellers.   The Chilcotin’s wild horses are romantic and beautiful, but they are also controversial: they are seen by government policy as intruders competing for range land […]


Wild Horses Heading for Extinction, Make Sure That Doesn’t Happen

Alberta’s Last Wild Horses, Heading toward extinction? Behind closed doors and away from the public eye, Government of Alberta staff have developed their latest wild horse management plan. A draft of the plan is reportedly now on Minister Jason Nixon’s desk waiting for approval. If past plans are any indication, […]

First ever wild horse symposium in Alberta June 1st

The first ever symposium on Alberta’s wild horses featuring a day of informative and inspiring presentations about wild horse history, culture, management and protection by leading scientists and experts and an evening keynote address (7 pm) by renowned Alberta historian Dr. Max Foran. Price includes day presentations, evening keynote and […]

First stage of Wild Horse Campaign a Success

But it’s Only a Temporary Reprieve as we Prepare for Stage Two. Zoocheck’s 18 month investigation and review of the Alberta government’s assertions that wild horses are overpopulating the landscape and causing ecological damage has found no scientific evidence supporting those claims. After reviewing all publicly available materials, as well […]