
Letters Needed to Stop Misguided, Wasteful, Unnecessary Wild Horse Removals

Pending Alberta wild horse “cull” not supported by evidence Alberta government officials have now made it clear they intend to once again cull wild horse numbers by capturing animals and “adopting them out”. The removal of wild horses would occur over the next several months, but decisions are now being […]

Despite claims, wild horse numbers stable for 5 years

Despite claims Alberta wild horse numbers rapidly increasing, government forced to acknowledge they’ve been stable for past 5 years Alberta’s entire wild horse population is just over 1,400 individuals, a remarkably small number of animals dispersed, some in isolated populations, over a number of Equine Management Zones (EMZs). The Sundre […]

Battle for information vindicates Alberta’s wild horses

People often say they think that campaigning for animals seems like a fun job, but in truth about 90% of it is gathering and assessing information to support or lobby for good policy decisions for animal protection. A perfect example of this “less glamorous”, behind the scenes work can be […]