
Letters Needed to Stop Misguided, Wasteful, Unnecessary Wild Horse Removals

Pending Alberta wild horse “cull” not supported by evidence Alberta government officials have now made it clear they intend to once again cull wild horse numbers by capturing animals and “adopting them out”. The removal of wild horses would occur over the next several months, but decisions are now being […]

Senate Hearing Testimony Illustrates Why Zoos and Elephants are a Bad Mix

Hearings now complete, Senate Committee study to follow An Opinion Editorial by Barry Kent MacKay On April 11, 2024, the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs held a hearing with stakeholders to consider Bill S-15, an Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Wild Animal and Plant […]

Support Bill S-15 for elephants & great apes!

SUPPORT BILL S-15! A BIG STEP FORWARD FOR CAPTIVE WILD ANIMALS IN CANADA     Bill S-15 is now in the midst of 2nd reading hearings. They should be completed by the end of May 2024. Elephants and great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans) are highly sentient animals who have […]

Eco-Literature: Creative Writing as Advocacy

Eco-literature: Creative Writing as Advocacy Wednesday May 29, 2024, 7 – 8 pm EST Join author, advocate and veterinarian Nadja Lubiw-Hazard for a reading, discussion, and Q&A. Nadja will read from her recently published short story, “Captive”, based on Yupi, a polar bear held captive in a tropical zoo in […]

Second kangaroo escape sympton of Ontario’s inaction on exotic animals

Escapes, human injuries and deaths, animal suffering and perpetual problems for municipalities the result of lack of exotic animal regulation in Ontario While some reporting of the escaped kangaroos treat the incidents very lightly, they are actually a sign of a very problematic, broken system in Ontario. Unlike most other […]

Despite claims, wild horse numbers stable for 5 years

Despite claims Alberta wild horse numbers rapidly increasing, government forced to acknowledge they’ve been stable for past 5 years Alberta’s entire wild horse population is just over 1,400 individuals, a remarkably small number of animals dispersed, some in isolated populations, over a number of Equine Management Zones (EMZs). The Sundre […]

Must read new book about Chilcotin wild horses

The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future Written by renowned wildlife biologist Wayne McCrory. Now available for pre-order at most booksellers.   The Chilcotin’s wild horses are romantic and beautiful, but they are also controversial: they are seen by government policy as intruders competing for range land […]

Kids need Nature

This 2013 blog has an important message that should still resonate with parents today. Guest blogger N. Glen Perrett suggests getting kids out into nature as an alternative to looking at animals in captivity. You don’t need studies to realize that children aren’t receiving the same amount of exercise or […]

Why does Ontario want more penned hunting compounds?

COMMENTS NEEDED BY MAY 18, 2023 The Ontario government’s proposed expansion of hunting dog training and trialing compounds (penned hunting) is another nonsensical and disturbing wildlife use development that should not be supported by anyone, including hunters who consider themselves ethical. The expansion of dog training and trialing compounds is […]

Dispensable lives, zoos and culling (Guest Opinion Editorial)

Guest Opinion Commentary – March 2023 by Shubhobroto Ghosh, Wildlife Research Manager of World Animal Protection (India), author of Dreaming in Calcutta And Channel Islands Following news of zoos and animals in captivity as I do regularly, some recent news of animals being intentionally killed in zoos caught my eye. […]