
Support Bill S-15 for elephants & great apes!

SUPPORT BILL S-15! A BIG STEP FORWARD FOR CAPTIVE WILD ANIMALS IN CANADA     Bill S-15 is now in the midst of 2nd reading hearings. They should be completed by the end of May 2024. Elephants and great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans) are highly sentient animals who have […]

Eco Grief – Rejuvenate yourself!

Reenergize yourself to feel more resilient, empowered and hopeful. Sign up for ECO GRIEF, a special multi-session working group conducted by author, veterinarian and Zoocheck board member Nadja Lubiw-Hazard. The program runs from March 14 – April 18.

10th Anniversary of Moving Toronto Elephants to California

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Zoocheck’s campaign to secure the release of the Toronto Zoo’s last three surviving elephants (Toka, Thika and Iringa) and their subsequent 4,300 km transport to the PAWS sanctuary in California. Our campaign attracted a great deal of attention in Canada and around the […]


Support the Jane Goodall Act

A BIG STEP FORWARD FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION IN CANADA DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE IT BECOMES LAW! On March 22, 2022, Senator Marty Klyne reintroduced the Jane Goodall Act to the Senate of Canada. The proposed Bill S-241 is a updated version of a bill introduced by Senator Murray […]

Wild Horses Heading for Extinction, Make Sure That Doesn’t Happen

Alberta’s Last Wild Horses, Heading toward extinction? Behind closed doors and away from the public eye, Government of Alberta staff have developed their latest wild horse management plan. A draft of the plan is reportedly now on Minister Jason Nixon’s desk waiting for approval. If past plans are any indication, […]


Yupik, el oso polar mexicano muere en el zoológico de Morelia sólo un día antes de que Estados Unidos pueda avanzar

12 de noviembre de 2018 para su publicación inmediata. Según el zoológico Benito Juárez en Morelia, México, el oso polar Yupki murió esta mañana debido a “complicaciones en su salud”. Todavía no se sabe si el zoológico sacrificó a Yupi o si la encontraron ya muerta en su recinto. La […]

We were right, zoos were wrong: Elephants better off

by Barry Kent MacKay Now that emotive rhetoric has faded and the third anniversary fast approaches, let us pause to think about what happened three years ago this fall. Toronto Zoo had three African elephants: Toka, Iringa, and zoo-born Thika. Last year, Iringa, who had arrived with serious, increasingly painful […]
