
The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife – A thought provoking lecture by Max Foran

Click here to watch Max Foran’s presentation Fabulous presentation by world-renowned historian, author and educator Max Foran. We believe it’s one of the best talks ever about wildlife management and why Canada treats wildlife (and other animals) the way it does today. This was the keynote talk at Zoocheck’s Saving […]

Essential Reading for Wildlife Ethusiasts

The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife, Failures of Principle and Policy is a must read book by long-time Zoocheck friend Max Foran and it’s one of the best books ever explaining why Canadian wildlife is treated like it is today. It should be required reading in every university and college wildlife […]

Why does Ontario want more penned hunting compounds?

COMMENTS NEEDED BY MAY 18, 2023 The Ontario government’s proposed expansion of hunting dog training and trialing compounds (penned hunting) is another nonsensical and disturbing wildlife use development that should not be supported by anyone, including hunters who consider themselves ethical. The expansion of dog training and trialing compounds is […]